Posted on: August 8, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 0

Stress at work, nervous tension and overwork do not affect the quality of sleep in the best way.  Problems with falling asleep, early awakening or insomnia – these problems are familiar to every modern person.

 Yoga before bed can help cope with chronic fatigue from lack of sleep.  We offer you the top 20 yoga asanas before bed, which are easy for even a beginner to perform and which will help you relax in the evening.


The key feature of yoga is that it relaxes the body as well as calms the mind, thereby restoring strength and normalizing the functioning of all body systems. The relaxing effect of yoga is due to the release of tension in the muscles, which lowers the level of the stress hormone in the blood, which contributes to faster falling asleep and sound sleep. Simple yoga at night can heal the most persistent insomnia if you practice regularly and monitor your breathing.


The modern rhythm of life requires colossal resistance to stress from a person, which is not inherent in everyone.  Dealing with stress on a daily basis leads to fatigue, overwork and insomnia.  Sleep problems often appear in people prone to anxiety and anxiety, in which case difficulties, changes, or important events in life may be triggered.

But not only suspicious and anxious people have problems with sleep, any person can have difficulty falling asleep due to nervous strain, mental and physical fatigue, stressful life events or health problems. In many cases, it is recommended to consult a therapist, then yoga before bedtime will help in all the rest, for which you only need 10-15 minutes.

In women, sleep problems can be one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which evening yoga can also help to cope with.


In ancient times, yoga postures were used to prepare the body for meditation – a state of maximum calmness of the body and mind. During meditation, the thought process stops and all processes in the body slows down, for example, the pulse becomes less frequent, blood pressure decreases and the level of stress hormone in the blood drops. A person achieves a state that qualitatively resembles a night’s sleep.

By doing asanas before bedtime, you tune your body to a state of rest, which helps you fall asleep quickly.


Calming yoga at night is recommended 15-20 minutes before bedtime, sometimes you can do some asanas right in bed.  But for a full workout, you still need a rug and loose, comfortable clothing.  It is recommended to practice in a ventilated room, or you can do it directly in the bedroom.

During evening yoga, you should not turn on music, as it will distract from concentration on movements and breathing, which can interfere with relaxation. Dim the lights and practice in a comfortable environment with the TV, computer, phone turned off. Do not practice asanas immediately after dinner or a snack; at least 2 hours should pass after the last meal.

And most importantly: do not exercise in case of injuries and illnesses, as well as when you feel unwell. Feel your body, and it will respond to you with gratitude.


Simple asanas before bedtime are recommended and not to be performed all together, but in a complex of 7-10 asanas of different actions. Half of the postures should be for the upper body and the other half for the lower body. If you have been on your feet all day, include more postures to relax your legs. If your back, neck, or shoulders hurt, then do more upper body asanas.

Complete the workout with one of the postures for relaxing the whole body, such asanas are suitable: child pose, corpse pose, posture with legs on the back. Perform each asana for 30-60 seconds and then move on to the next.


The presented asanas for the evening are easy to perform even with an initial level of training. But if you have any difficulties, then do a simplified version of the exercise. Do each movement slowly and smoothly, concentrating on your breathing. Try not to think about anything during yoga before bed in order to completely relax.


What for: To improve metabolic processes in the body and prepare the body for the following asanas.  The pose also promotes relaxation and is used for meditation.

How to do it: Sit on the floor in a free pose and extend your right leg forward.  Turn your left leg with the foot towards you.  Turn the foot with the heel up and place it on the thigh of the right leg.  Then bend your right knee and place your foot on the thigh of your left leg.  Keep your back straight and rest your relaxed hands on your hips.

How to simplify: Perform the asana against a wall with your back resting on it.  This will relax your neck, shoulders and focus on your breathing.

If you find it difficult to cross your legs like in the lotus position, you can simply fold them next to each other.  Remember, in evening yoga, the most important thing is comfortable and relaxing positions.


 What it does: To relax the lower back, relieve tension in the shoulders and neck, and gently stretch the hips and back.

 How to do it: Sit in lotus position or simply place your feet on top of each other.  Lean forward with your arms extended in front of you.  The palms, forearms, shoulders and forehead should touch the floor.

 How to simplify: Good preparation is required before going to bed to do this asana.  If you lack flexibility, just lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms and forearms.


What for: To improve blood circulation in the pelvic region, relax the lower back, stretch the hips and adductors, and relax the lower body.

How to do it: Sit on the floor and spread your legs apart.  Then bend both knees and pull your feet towards you.  Connect your feet and bring your knees down.  Keep your back straight and your shoulders and arms relaxed.

How to simplify: Perform the asana against a wall with your back resting as you concentrate on movement and breathing, which will help you relax better.  It is not necessary to lower your knees to the floor – take a comfortable position for you.  Do not try to lower your knees with your hands, because the main thing in asanas for the evening is relaxation, not tension.


What for: For maximum stretching of the back, relaxation of the shoulder and cervical spine, relieving tension from the lower back, for relaxation and stopping internal dialogue.

How to do it: Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight, relaxing your feet and ankles.  To do this, you can wiggle your toes, make several slow circular movements with each foot.  Bend towards your feet without rounding your back, stretching your arms forward.  Try to wrap your palms around your feet, and press your forehead to your knees.

How to simplify: If you don’t have the flexibility to do this asana before bed, simply tilt with your back straight, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible.

The most important thing about this evening yoga exercise is not to hunch your back.  Try to reach with your stomach to your thighs, the crown of your head up.  You can bend your knees slightly if you have stiff hamstrings.

5. PLOW POSITION(Inverted Yoga Posture)

What for: For stretching the spine, relieving fatigue from the cervical and lumbar spine, as well as for gentle stretching of the hips, restoring a calm breathing rhythm, slightly lowering pressure and calming the nervous system.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms randomly on the floor.  Raise your legs up, lifting your pelvis off the floor and trying to bring your feet behind your head to reach the floor with your toes.  Bend your knees if you can’t keep your legs straight.

How to simplify: Do the plow position with the support on the wall.  To do this, do the same as in the classic version, but with your legs behind your head, rest your feet on the wall.


What it does: For releasing pelvic clamps, relaxing the hips and relieving leg fatigue.  Also for the harmonization of the nervous system, concentration and relaxation.

How to do it: Sit on the floor with your legs extended at random, arms folded along your chest or lying quietly along your body.  Take a kneeling position with the feet facing back.  Lower your buttocks to your feet, reaching a comfortable sitting position.  This simple evening yoga pose is great for relaxing before bed.  You can complicate this asana by not sitting on your feet, but placing your shins on both sides of the thighs.

How to simplify: This asana requires knee mobility.  If you can’t get into the diamond pose, then place a pillow under your buttocks and take a position that is comfortable for you.


What for: To relax the lower back, tone the internal muscles of the pelvis, achieve inner peace and harmony.  Include this asana in yoga at night if you felt moral and physical pressure during the day.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms extended and your knees bent.  Pull your feet towards you, you can wrap your palms around them.  Lift your pelvis up, feeling the tension in your buttocks and thighs.  Move from side to side at the top, focusing on muscle work.

How to simplify: Place your hands on your lower back while lifting your pelvis, so you achieve a stronger relaxation of all muscles in the body.  Do not bend over strongly in the back if you feel lumbar discomfort.


What it does: To relieve tension and muscle tension in the hips and pelvis, to achieve mental balance and improve mood.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your knees bent.  Wrap your palms around your feet and pull them towards you, pressing your hips to the body, but without straightening your knees.  Direct your feet upward, clasping them with straight arms, without lifting your head and neck off the floor.

How to simplify: The asana is ideal for evening yoga, because it can be done right in bed.  If you cannot wrap your hands around your feet, then wrap your ankles or just pull your knees to your chest, stretching the spine and relaxing the pelvis and hips.


What for: To relieve tension in the pelvic region, relax the back and neck, achieve calmness and harmony with oneself.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your legs extended in front of you.  Then, alternately pull each knee to your chest, without lifting your lower back and head off the floor.  The free leg lies flat and motionless.  Close your eyes for more relaxation.  Perform the asana before bed, or right in bed, to relax well and calm the nervous system.

How to simplify: The advantage of the pose is that even novice beginners with no experience can do it easily.  To further ease the posture, bend your leg, which lies on the floor, at the knees.  This will make it easier for you to pull your other leg into your stomach.


What for: To relax the lumbar spine, lightly stretch the hips, relax the neck, back, achieve inner peace and relieve anxiety.

How to do it: Lie on your back and spread your arms out to the sides.  Bend one leg at the knee while keeping the other straight.  Bend your bent leg towards the straight leg, bringing the knee behind the thigh and touching the floor.  You can help yourself with your hand by lightly pressing your palms on your thigh.  Turn your head in the opposite direction.  Repeat for the other side.

How to simplify: Bend both knees and slowly twist to each side, concentrating on your breathing and trying to completely relax.


What for: To release muscle clamps in the pelvic region and stimulate blood flow, relax the body and mind, achieve harmony with oneself.  This is one of the best postures for women to include in bedtime yoga as it boosts self-confidence and makes you feel great.

How to do it: Lie on your back and spread your arms out to the sides.  Bend your knees and lower them to the floor with your feet inward.  Bring your feet together and concentrate on the sensations in your body.  Unlike the butterfly pose, you should not pull your feet to your pelvis, they should be bent at the ankle or knee level.

How to simplify: For an easier posture, just move your feet away from your pelvis, and also avoid putting your knees on the floor.


What for: To get rid of fatigue and pain in the legs, to stimulate lymph and blood flow, to relax the whole body.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your pelvis as close to the wall as possible.  Raise your legs up, placing them on the wall as high as possible.  Relax your feet, ankles, lower legs, thighs, feel how the pelvic area and lower back relax.

How to simplify: Place a pillow under your thighs to relieve tension in your lower back.


What for: To stretch and relax the spine, calm the mind, relieve anxiety and achieve inner peace.

How to do it: Get on all fours and lower your pelvis to your shins and feet, extending your arms straight forward.  Touch the floor with your forehead and press your pelvis against your legs so that the spine is fully extended.  Be sure to include this asana in your evening yoga, because it perfectly relaxes the nervous system.

How to simplify: Child’s pose is one of the simplest poses and therefore does not need to be simplified.  But you can make it easier by placing pillows of suitable height under your arms and head.


What for: For the flexibility of the back and relieve fatigue from the cervical spine, to get rid of stiffness in the joints, to normalize the nervous system, overall calmness and relaxation.

How to do it: Get on all fours and lower your head down, relaxing your neck and shoulders.  Arch your spine into an arc, pulling your pelvis inward.  Then lift your head up, at the same time bending in your back and pulling your pelvis back.  Try to distribute the deflection throughout the entire spine, not just in the lumbar spine.  The pose is ideal as an asana for the evening, as it harmonizes the mind and relieves tension from the back.

How to simplify: This asana is easy to perform even for beginners, so the pose does not need to be simplified.  But for beginners it is better to avoid strong deflections in the lower back, so as not to overload this part of the spine.


What it is for: For flexibility in the spine, clarity of mind and release of muscle clamps in the neck and shoulders.

How to do it: Lie on your stomach using your forearms and palms.  Lift your head up while lifting the body on straight arms.  Keep your legs relaxed and immobilized, with your hips on the floor.  Feel the abdominal muscles stretch and the spine stretch.

How to simplify: When doing this yoga asana before bed, do not bend too much in the lower back, especially if you have problems with it.  You can also do the forearm asana to relieve stress on your lower back.


What for: To relieve tension from the shoulder girdle, relax the neck and slow down the heart rate.  Include yoga asana at night after a hard day to relieve tension from your back, shoulders and neck.

How to do it: Stand up straight and place your hands behind your back, closing them in a lock.  Lean forward with your back straight, placing your hands behind your head.  Keep your back parallel to the floor.  If you have good flexibility, you can reach your knees with your forehead, but remember that your back should not be rounded.

How to simplify: Don’t bend over too much, but try to raise your arms as high as possible to stretch your shoulders well.


Why: For stretching the thighs, improving blood flow in the pelvic organs, relieving fatigue, clearing the mind and improving sleep quality.

How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms at random.  Bend your legs at the knees and lower them to the floor.  Place your shins on either side of your thighs with your heels up.  The pose is ideal for evening yoga, as it helps to calm the mind and free it from obsessive thoughts.

How to simplify: In the simplified version, you can simply lie on your shins, in which case the heels will be under the buttocks, which will make the asana easier.

It is not necessary to lean back strongly, you can lean on your forearms, thereby simplifying the position.


What for: To release muscle clamps in the chest and back, reduce pressure and heart rate, harmony of the mind.

How to do it: Sit on your knees with your pelvis on your heels.  Clasp your feet with your palms and bend in your back, lowering your head down.  Bring your shoulder blades together to stretch your chest muscles and relieve tension from your shoulders and back.

How to simplify: Place your palms on your lower back, so you can control the arch in your back, reducing and increasing the load as needed.

Avoid doing the Advanced Camel Pose if you have high blood pressure or neck problems.  The light version will also be very effective to perform before bed.


What for: To stretch the spine, relax the lower back, stretch the hips, relieve fatigue and tension in the upper body.

How to do it: Sit on the floor and spread your legs as far as possible.  Bend one leg at the knee and pull your foot towards you.  Bend to a straight leg with your stomach on your thigh.  Reach for your foot, lowering your head to your knee.  Repeat for the other leg.

How to simplify: Do not stretch over the pain, because asanas for the evening should relax, not strain the body.  Bend over in a comfortable area, stretching your lower back and hips.


What for: For maximum relaxation of the whole body and preparation of the body for sleep.

How to do it: Lie on your back, place your arms randomly along your body, your legs are free, your feet are spread apart.  Do not raise your shoulders, they should touch the floor, relax your face, especially your forehead, open your palms.  Listen to your breathing to stop your internal dialogue.

How to simplify: The simplest yoga pose you can do in bed.  Remember to incorporate corpse pose into your bedtime yoga to help you sleep soundly like you did as a child.

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