Posted on: September 27, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 2

Everyone has their own definition of success. The foundation of success almost every time lies on one idea that reshapes your thoughts. A book “The Intelligent Investor” written by Benjamin Graham changed Warren Buffett’s life. Gandhi was highly influenced by Leo Tolstoy’s books. And Steve Jobs has drawn inspiration from “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. Successful people have always accepted that they have this one book that changed their lives. This book need not be common for everyone. But everyone must always have one such book in their lives.

Reading book is a habit we all should cultivate since we never know which book may hit us in a different way and change the way we think or the way we live. There are so many motivational books that can inspire you to achieve your goals in life. However, it’s not necessary that only a motivational book can be the reason that becomes a guiding factor to your life.

Furthermore, to find that one book, we got to go through several books. The real question is how to identify that one book out of zillions of books that can lead us to our success? The answer is simple but profound. Success largely depends on our personality. sometimes we fail due to just one reason or thing and then we regret of not having that one thing in our personality.

The tremendousness of books is that they have ability to refine your personality. And rectify the one thing that you were lacking before. Here’s how you can identify the book which will shorten the distance of your success from you.


The one book that can teach you storytelling:

Storytelling is an art which is an important requisite in fields like Digital Marketing, law, Entertainment, journalism and social media marketing, etc. The Books contain stories from around the globe. Storytelling is a skill that is learned with consistent practice. Reading books helps in developing storytelling skills. It not only gives you exposure in better careers but also makes you influential.

Everybody is an influencer these days given the easy accessibility of social media. The commonality between all influencers is their ability of storytelling. If you wish to sell a product, make sure you have a story to tell about the value it gives to the customers. And If you wish to become an entrepreneur, keep a story handy that very well supports the vision of your enterprise. Similarly, if you are a new musician who wants recognition, you need to have a story that inspires others to listen your music.

The reason why storytelling is essential in almost everything is because it helps people to know you better and connect with your thoughts and visions. Thus, even if you are a musician who can sing well, you must read books who gets you the skills of storytelling.


The one book that can teach you communication skills

The way you speak to someone can surely decide the level of your success. The humbleness, positive attitude, voice modulations, empathy and body language are the attributes of communication skills. If you are a person who refrain from reading because you find it boring and a task of geeky nerds, then you are absolutely on a wrong path.

Reading books is indispensable to develop communication skills. Find one man who’s a good communicator and a non-reader at the same time. Books are not necessarily read for  knowledge; they can be the key to improve our focus. They can be vital in learning various ways of how to handle and respond to a particular situation. This all collectively makes you a great communicator.


The one book that can develop imagination

Graphic designers, comedians, cinematographer and photographers look up to books to improve their imaginative skills. Creativity and its practicality depend on the clarity of imagination. Starting off any business or any idea requires an imagination which transforms into innovation. Reading books can leave you with umpteen of imaginations.

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, the queen of imagination, had said, “Always have a vivid imagination, for you never know when you might need it”.

When I was teaching a class on communication and personality development, I have emphasised students on enhancing their imaginative skills to become a good communicator. The better you imagine, the more you’d be able to relate to others. In turn, you will be able to respond empathetically. Needless to say, the most asked question to me was “How to become more imaginative?”.

Imagination is connected to your ability to look at things from various perspectives. And reading books give you multifaceted perspectives. The more you read books, the more you imagine. And you never know which imagination can give birth to the best idea that can transform your life.


The one book that helps you in knowing yourself:

Sometimes the only reason we are not able to achieve our goals in life because we don’t know ourselves. We dangle between options. When we cannot decide what is our likeliness and preferences. We all go through the situations where we complain about ourselves and then others also complain about us.

Such dilemma can be solved by reading books. Try reading books in the self-help category. You may find a story of someone who had gone through exactly what you are right now. When you would find a relating story such as yours, you will also be able to know yourself better. Books are the doorways of someone else’s mind which means you can borrow someone else’s thoughts to compare with yours and then realize your own characteristics.


The one book that can broaden your horizon:

Every time you read a book; you add something new to your plate. A new insight, a new curiosity, a new fact, a new joke or a new idea, always something that adds value to your life is achieved by reading books. Books are famous for being stress reliever and best friend. Because they broaden the horizon of your understanding.

A thought that have kept you conservative earlier, may become open to change after reading new views. Reading books gives you the experiences that you never had yourself. And experiences make you mature enough to deal with odd situations on your own.

2 People reacted on this

  1. Earlier I also used to find it very boring, but when I met Kritika ma’am, she always used to tell us to take one novel, keep on reading it, but I did not pay attention to the things of that time and my english at that time also week. Then I spoke to Kratika ma’am, she said, if you cannot read the novels then you start reading the articles, then I started reading the articles, yes it felt strange for a few days, I did not know but it got into my habit. My word power was also getting strong, then I thought of falling into the novel, my first novel is My Experiments with Truth – An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi ji , got to learn a lot from that novel and I am going to have a year in the novels so far I have got 11-12 novels finish and these I have learned a lot from novels. I thank Kritika Ma’am for all these things.
    I’ll always be grateful to you 🌻
    Again thank you ma’am

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