Posted on: December 15, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 2

Weddings in Covid sounds scary yet a luxury, isn’t it? Luxury because one would get to step out of his or her house, meet people, enjoy and breathe in vibes. 

Scary? Because meeting people and hence social distancing is difficult to be followed in a wedding. As there are people coming from various places, attending weddings includes traveling and so much more, giving birth to the fear inside our heads as to how to stay safe from getting infected. 

When you talk about weddings in Covid, it’s altogether a different scenario. Weddings in Covid require a hell lot of preparations, precautions and protocols. 

Managing the whole event for the event planners is tough because of the time limit imposed. 

Apparently there is a night curfew being imposed in a lot of cities to restrict the unnecessary movement of people. After 9 P.M there  has to be no movement which also means there can be no functions after 9 p.m,quite unique and something new to experience! 

As we are used to  entering parties post 9 PM this Covid Era we have to attend parties in the evening. The whole set of arrangements has to be done while keeping this thing in our heads.

weddings in 2020 covid era

How has this thing affected the Shopping? 

The whole set of shopping has turned upside down because of shops opening for a limited period of time. One has to shop very strategically as how to buy things and how to buy everything required. There is less spending of time in the markets. Another thing that is observed is the limited variety of clothes as we are aware of the huge impact of Covid onto the markets. The supply rates to the shops have fallen miserably. There aren’t many types of dresses available. Not only this, there is a visible hike in the price. Everything is costing double than earlier it used to be,getting heavy on the pockets. 

How Covid has impacted the Markets? 

Every shopkeeper has a story to tell as how they are extremely affected because of the Covid and hence the fear of viruses deeply rooted in making them not to step into the markets. Even if they come there can’t be more customers at the step of the shop because social distancing has to be maintained, and If people are seen violating the rules the shopkeeper has to bear the fine imposed by the municipal corporation making it all the more challenging for the shopkeepers to run their businesses. The markets aren’t even a step closer to before. Shops have been opened but the business is dropping. 

Apart from the financial perspective the health fear doesn’t go away, shopkeepers however try to maintain social distancing, take required preventive measures but the fear of getting infected prevails because they tend to meet hundreds of people on a daily basis and they aren’t aware of the places they come from. The markets are doing Businesses on the risk of their life and also their families’

What is the scenario of traveling to a wedding? 

If you are traveling via your personal vehicle it’s good and good because that way you aren’t coming in contact with someone outsider at least. It’s safe even while you travel on a plane because a Covid test  has been done to make sure the virus doesn’t spread. The real problem slips in when one travels through a train, only measuring body temperature at the platforms isn’t the solution, because of this there is not only a risk of the person coming through the train but also others are at risk. There has to be isolation or social distancing to be followed in the wedding.

How are Venues important during Covid

The Venues where all the function is going to be held has to be outside the containment zones. There should be no Covid patients or hospitals nearby as this would clearly turn into an alarming situation for everyone coming to attend the wedding. 

The hotels should make sure to sanitize the rooms and no contact facilities should be imposed. All the staff of the hotels should wear masks, maintain social distance from others, sanitize and wash their hands from time to time as during winters  the chances to catch infection is more than before.

The Wedding Functions Venue should be spacious, there should be proper ventilation because these are few things one can follow from their end to stay away from catching the virus.

Only inviting limited people like around 50-100 is more than enough. There shouldn’t be unnecessary chaos, coming close to people.

What should one do from their end  to stay protected from the virus? 

One should take all the required preventive measures. If you feel cold or cough do not ignore just get yourself tested, because if you don’t then you are putting your whole family at risk.

Eating healthy is crucial, proper hygiene is mandatory. Amidst the gathering it’s important to stay away from people. Making sure to wear masks, sanitizing hands, not touching face, ears, eyes is something we should be doing so that we keep ourselves safe from the virus. 

Written By – Rituja Roy

Edited By – Priyanka Sukhwani

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