Posted on: March 16, 2021 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 0
Zomato delivery boy case

Just a couple of days ago the whole Internet had only one thing everywhere; Zomato Bengaluru Case. 

After the video of an Instagram Influencer went viral in which she was seen accusing the Zomato delivery guy of harming her and breaking her nasal bone and perhaps  she pleaded for support. People offered sympathy to her but some marked this viral video of Zomato delivery as just seeking sympathy without any solid evidence. 

This allegation on the Zomato delivery guy made him lose his job. 

After a while when things started getting open up, and the other side of the story was taken into consideration it was found that this woman was just trying to play the victim card and nothing of this sort actually happened. 

As of now, the investigation is ongoing and there is no actual proof of who is wrong but as far as the situation is deciphered it’s reported that it’s just an act of seeking fame and nothing more is there in the matter.

Zomato case: FIR lodged against Bengaluru woman who alleged assault by delivery  boy

How Feminism turns into Pseudo Feminism?

It does not even take a second to flip and change the entire meaning of feminism into something foul or Pseudo. 

A thin line difference between Feminism and Pseudo Feminism

Feminism is seeking equal rights as man, trying to create opportunities for women just like men, equal payscale, safety etc and what Pseudo Feminism is accusing men in the namesake  of feminism, seeking sympathy when the other person is not guilty. 

Using this feminism card to gain popularity, sympathy and consolidation of people has turned out to be something that needs to be called out. 

Feminism means equality and not Women taking over Men, Women accusing Men without any evidence.This has significant consequences like the Zomato delivery guy losing his job, as per the statement of Zomato official it’s been said that the expenses and every type of financial support is been provided to the Zomato delivery guy. But things don’t end here, this has turned to be a legal case which affects a person’s mental health too, his respect in the society as well as his family’s everything is at stake.


Zomato delivery guy | 'Who's the victim?': Netizens ask after Zomato  delivery guy refutes blame, says 'she hit me with slippers' | Bengaluru News

All the Glitters is not Gold 

Well, by using this phrase it means all that is been told is not the truth, people always  tell that side of the story in which they appear as innocent, accusing the other party. 

Truth lies when everything is put across like an open book with evidences! 

We cannot come to a conclusion and be biased until and unless the whole investigation is completed. 

Zomato’ User-friendly Services

Zomato has always made sure that it’s customer satisfaction index is as high as it is possible. Zomato has never ever done something that disappoints the customers or even give them a chance to complaint. From extending customer care to taking care of the customers needs it has always stood on the people’s expectations. 

This case turned out to be something nobody could ever thought not even Zomato. 

The Zomato delivery guy Kamaraj has done numerous deliveries so far with utmost best rating one could ever get, this allegation on him as per Zomato sounds unreal to them and they are waiting for the whole process of investigation to complete.

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Be Unbiased! 

We as customers and sensible citizens of the country should analyse what is to be blindly trusted on and what is that element that needs to be eradicated from the society. 

Give you my complete unbiased opinion on your situation by Djmagwede |  Fiverr

Everything comes as a lesson, everything teaches us something so what is to be taken forward is in our hands. 

To believe the Social Media and form a biased opinion or wait till the inference comes out! 

Written By- Rituja Roy 

Edited By- Priyanka Sukhwani 

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