Posted on: August 22, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 3


The happy entry into the calendar of 2020 hasn’t proved to be that happy as such yet for any of us. Particularly, the people who are in their 20’s are mostly annoyed with this year’s all over drama. A person in his or her 20’s is either ending his/her college, leaving behind old friends or beginning new bonds at work or traveling new cities in the wake of his/her career quests while being homesick or crying every mid night after hours of overthinking as a result of not being able to do any of the earlier mentioned things.

The 20’s, in one’s life, already remains laden with so many complicated and composite responsibilities, transitioning of phases & scary opportunities, the year 2020 has only added salt to the injury. All thanks to the Covid-19 for exacerbating the wounds of our youngsters (who like to party and travel often) by locking them in their parents houses and leaving them struggling in finding the essence of their existence during and post-lockdown in the ruthless 2020.


The struggle of losing jobs and shrinking savings:

Who likes to be locked up in their 20s? (the question was indeed not for an introvert.)

I have received calls from friends and acquaintances who’ve cried over phone about how they are at the verge of losing their jobs or have already lost it due to the Covid-19. The struggle is so freakingly real my friend. People, who had recently started receiving their pay checks and buying gifts for their parents out of pride in their abilities, have started losing confidence along with their salaries. Big companies are eliminating their staffs and sending their new and less skilled employees on complete vacation. These employees are sicker due to their financial and self-esteem related issues than what Corona virus could have ever made them.


The struggle of fading enthusiasm and motivation:

One of my friends who is at her 20s called me during the lock-down phase and complained about how she is unable to get out of her bed every morning because she sees no objective in doing so. Another mate of mine texted me narrating how pathetic his life seems since he has lost the work opportunities. So many motivational You Tubers have got blessed with increased number of subscribers during this time of 2020. But these challenges are perpetual and may come at any age.  Why the people who are in their 20’s are facing this most at this particular time? Because they are entitled with composite responsibilities at this particular age.

They are usually required to outperform Einstein in academics, be the performance champ of the month by exploiting themselves for more than 12 hours a day at the work, support their families in household affairs while proving their love to their lovers every week which came under doubt due to increased distance during the lock-down. And this is just not it.


Struggle of Isolation, resulting in privacy issues:

Being locked is fine at your own apartment but Isolation that too in your parents’ home! Sucks.

Who are you talking to over the call from so long?

Why are you playing video games all day?

Do you have a vision for the future? (Well Mom, Do the world have any vision for the future at this time?)

Why are you waking up so late?

Why do you need to lock your room? (We need our own time dad! We don’t want to be looked upon while we are just scrolling through the Instagram.)

Why are you watching Web series all the time? (honestly dad, this binge watching of Netflix is actually helping me forget how gloomy my real life feels.)

Aren’t these the questions (and some relatable answers too) that you have faced these days while living at your parents’ house? If not, you’re lucky man.


Struggle of changing relationship matrix:

Long distance relationships can be frightening for some youngsters in their 20s. And 2020 has made these love birds stay at their respective homes away from each other for more than 3 months!

Arising desperation to see each other have made these people behave cranky. The lack of communication could lead to dire misunderstandings and bitter fights in relationships. Even those relationships are breaking who had learned from Musician James Arthur to promise that they’d stay with each other until they’re grey and old.


Struggle of maintaining social life and the social-media life:

The people who are in their 20’s lead dual lives – one, where they sip black coffee and handle the real-life issues and another where they post gym selfies and pizza stories altogether. 2020, in so many ways, disrupted the order of these duality of lives. Clubbing and drinking has been threatened for the time being, so the means of forgetting problems for temporary periods came to a risk.

With the ominous entry of the 2020, the daily routine went unstable, traveling and eating outside stopped and uncertainty augmented to a vast extent. All of these contribute to the struggles in maintaining social life.


I can list n numbers of struggles and you would agree to them regardless of what age you belong at this time. Despite the agony of living through one of the worst years of the century, the perk is that we are struggling together.

The 20s is the age of bloom in innovation and spring in zeal. Let’s not give 2020 power enough to sink ourselves into the trench of despair. There have been stragglers who made the best out of their worst phases of lives – Oprah, Gandhi and Lincoln to name a few. 2020 is still left with few more months and why not we make the rest of the year favorable by acting in our greatest capacities beyond what we have ever believed we could possess.


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