Posted on: July 28, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 2

The confinement that is causing the coronavirus crisis has many side effects on the
population. On the one hand, many people have either lost their jobs or will not
return to their jobs in weeks; on the other, it is being seen how the only open
establishments such as supermarkets or pharmacies support long lines of people
looking to buy food or basic necessities.
But, in addition, the fact of spending long hours secluded at home is causing him to
eat more than normal. There is more free time, children have to be entertained at
home and the kitchen is the perfect weapon for that purpose. But, in return, it is also
worrying that when the confinement ends, many people have gained a weight that
they did not count on before. To avoid this there is the challenge of losing weight in
the quarantine: ten tricks to lose weight at home.

  • The first of those tips to lose weight is to start our day in a healthy way: a
    mixture of water, honey and lemon helps rejuvenate our body, while
    eliminating toxins and speeding up metabolism. In fact, metabolism working at
    full capacity is vital to keep burning calories at a time when we exercise less
    than normal.
  • The next step is to have a hearty and healthy breakfast. If we take advantage
    of the first meal of the day to provide a good amount of healthy calories and
    nutrients that our body needs, we will not have to go back to eating until lunch
    and, therefore, snack on inadvisable foods. In addition, a good breakfast also
    speeds up metabolism.
  • The third tip is to divide large meals into smaller portions: It is a good idea to
    control the calories we take in different meals, since in a time when sedentary
    lifestyle grows and we exercise less when confined at home, it is vital that the
    balance between the calories we burn and those we eat is as negative as
  • The fourth trick to lose weight is to advance dinner hours so that we try not to
    eat anything after 8 or 9 at the latest. The goal is that the body can digest food
    better and that happens if it does it before going to bed: when dinner is early
    we get that, when we go to bed, we have already digested.
  • And, of course, the nutrition experts recommend following balanced diet: we
    must include both the macronutrients and micronutrients that our body needs
    in our diet. That is why it is vital that the most suitable proteins, healthy fats
    and carbohydrates are not lacking in our daily diet to stay healthy.
  • One of the best decisions you can make right now is to cut back on processed
    foods. Both fast food and those that are already pre-cooked and ready to heat
    usually have an excess of saturated and trans fats that are very harmful to the
    body. We must take advantage of the fact that we have more time than
    normal to cook healthy foods.
  • In fact, seasonal fruits and vegetables are also recommended. Nature is wise
    and, depending on the time of year in which we find ourselves, it offers some
    foods or others. In addition to the fact that many are rich in fibre and
    antioxidants, they are also cheaper as they are products that are abundant in
    the markets, so our pocket will thank us.
  • In addition, nutritionists ask us to be careful when consuming carbohydrates:
    we must know how to distinguish between good quality carbohydrates and
    those that are not beneficial for the body. For this reason, refined products
    (white bread, refined flours, etc.) and also foods with excess sugar such as
    cookies or sweets must be eliminated from our diet. What you do have to take
    are whole foods and rich in fibre, very useful when you want to lose weight.
  • The penultimate tip is to add nuts and seeds to our diet. These are foods that
    are very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. We’ve already seen three
    great nuts for weight loss, but there are also seeds like flax, chia, or pumpkin
    that are very beneficial when trying to lose weight.
  • The tenth and last tip to lose weight is twofold: on the one hand, we must
    avoid the use of excess salt, since it causes fluid retention and is a bad helper
    to eliminate the excess pounds. But, in addition, you have to stay well
    hydrated, so you should drink at least two litres of water a day. With all these
    tricks, losing weight during confinement will be a little easier.

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