Posted on: December 31, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 1

2020 undoubtedly was a tough year for each one of us. As we entered the third month of this leap year, things drastically changed. It became uncertain, unexpected and unwelcoming. With the outbreak of a virus and the enforcement of lock down, for the first time in history people were bound to stay home for the longest period of time. There was a situation of panic everywhere, the doctors, health workers, police officers and so many other people continued to risk their lives, providing services so that people don’t come out and get infected. For the first time in history there was something like this happening. Things started getting worse,  which took a toll on people’s mental health, as there was just unpleasant news everywhere, losing jobs, homes, lives and dear ones the intensity of pain can’t be measured. Amongst all these happenings, days kept passing and so did life. People started getting accustomed to all the lock down things, staying away from their loved ones, the ones who got stuck away from home somehow managed to live the new normal.  

Amongst these bitter happenings, people learnt a lot of things. With everything shut down and work from home on going people got time to spend with their families, the ones picked up their long lost hobbies, some cooked and others read. 

There are certain things that 2020 taught us and we all would never forget this in our lives, because these teachings came from experience.

Experiences like ; shortage of sources, respecting nature, to feel grateful for the things we have. 

We have made a list of lessons learned this year! 

1.To Run on limited supplies. 

With odd situations out, there were sources but not like before, one couldn’t keep on shopping at the marts, there was limited defined and hence in this limited time one can only shop the necessities. This taught us that life can happen just by living on the essentials and you won’t die.


The most important thing learnt in 2020 was Patience, with the Lock down enforcement one by one, Patience was something that kept all of us going. Patience is the thing that would help you reach the light present at the end of the tunnel. Patience has helped win battles and this was the time it was much needed.

3.Family’s importance

People spent the maximum time with their families during the lock down period. Family is the mattress you can fall back to every time, family is irreplaceable and family is gonna be there by your side like a ROCK. Family is going to support you no matter what and hence valuing and learning the importance of Family is the one most important lesson learnt.

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4.To be caring, giving and compassionate

Not everyone is blessed with the same resources, some are less privileged to access even the essential things and hence Lock down was the time which motivated people to share, care about others and hence be compassionate towards others. Helping people in whichever way we can is the real Karma. 

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5.To feel Grateful

To feel Grateful for every little thing should be the attitude. The condition of Migrant Workers while walking back to their homes taught us this, that there are people who don’t have a roof over their head, two times meals and so many other things. To be thankful to God for everything that we have been blessed with and appreciate our Parents and not blame them for the things they can’t afford or provide late.

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6.Mental Health is also a priority

Mental Health is something we people don’t pay much attention to but Mental Health is as important as Physical Health is. Seeking help and therapy doesn’t make you any abnormal,it’s good to seek help. We as a part of a family and community at large should ensure that people around us don’t suffer from something just because they couldn’t reach out to anyone. It’s our responsibility to make sure that people are comfortable speaking what they are going through without making them feel uncomfortable or unwanted. There have been cases of suicide just because nobody could understand what they were going through, just by listening to someone, we can save a life.

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7.Live in Present 

We have been listening to songs which said live in the present but we never actually followed it, until this Pandemic happened. Everybody had planned their futures and in short they had a plan ready for so many years ahead, but life is uncertain. Life is about living in the moment and not the future or past. Life can throw a curve ball at you and you wouldn’t know how to react, it’s twists and turns that adds spice to life and it keeps happening so as to make people realise the worth of so many other important things which they forget amidst the busy life.


Savings are must, in situations where there are job lay-offs and such unfortunate things, savings are important. Health Insurance, SIPs these are the things everyone should have in order to encounter any ordeal situation. Savings can help you a lot, at times when one has to pay college or school fees, and when business couldn’t do well, it was Savings that was a relief. So, a part of your income should go straight away to a savings account!

9.Health is Wealth

Well, Health is Wealth is understood by all now. The highlight of the year was good health, the only wish people had for each other was good health only. Health is the real wealth and eating good is important, instead of spending on unnecessary things one should make sure that he or she is eating right. Intake the right amount of vitamins, calories, minerals to stay fit. Exercising is important, flushing out toxins, having a proper routine is the key to remain healthy.

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All these things, nothing could ever teach us better than 2020. The year would go down in History, the Pandemic turned our lives upside down. Made us believe in the uncertainty of lives and also miracles. It taught us that the real heroes are the ones that were on their toes throughout ensuring public safety by risking their lives.

Written By -Rituja Roy

Edited By- Priyanka Sukhwani



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