Posted on: January 4, 2021 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 1


Vegetarians are the ones who don’t eat fish, egg, meat, etc; also some of the people of this category also don’t eat anything derived from animals for e.g. Cheese. 

What is Protein?

Protein is said to be the building block of our body. Protein doesn’t get stored in our body like carbohydrates and fats and thus its constant intake is important for the proper functioning of the body. Protein is present in our body throughout; it helps in repairing of our damaged cells. Our Hair is made up of Keratin a form of protein and even nails are built out of it. 

How much intake of Protein is required?

Since protein is the macronutrient, a proper intake is crucial to avoid disturbances in metabolism. According to DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) our body needs 0.8gms of protein per kilogram of our body weight on average a sedentary man requires 56gms per day and woman needs 46gms per day. The chief source of protein is meat; chicken etc, now the question arises here is those who don’t eat from, where they can get the required protein , they need not worry there are so many other options available for such people.

Protein options for Vegetarians:

Vegetarian protein food consists of tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, milk, green peas, nuts, seeds, whole grains, peanut butter and white button mushrooms. 

Tofu/Cottage Cheese :

It is also known as bean curd. It is prepared by the coagulation of soy milk that turns into curd, which is later pressed into white blocks. The softness of these blocks may vary, some can be very soft, silky, firm or extra firm. It contains 8% of protein. There is a wide variety of tofu available in the market. Having a subtle flavor and being spongy it is very often used in savoury and sweet dishes also marinated because it absorbs really well. It also possesses a high amount of calcium, magnesium also a high amount of protein and is low in calories.

The Best Crispy Tofu Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network


Lentils come under the family of legumes which also includes peas and beans, they grow under pods just like other legumes and contain a high level of protein, fibrous, low in fat making them a good replacement for meat. They can be eaten as salads with cucumber etc. They possess 18% of protein.

Marinated Lentil Salad - Budget Bytes


Along with being a good dessert and digestion property, yogurt is said to be rich in protein, it has 11%protein per 100 gm .Its protein content is even higher than milk .It has Casein present in it and 80% of the proteins are casein. It not only has protein but also calcium, vitamins and minerals. Also eating yogurt helps to reduce high blood pressure. A plus point is that it has Vitamin B12 which is generally found in animal foods and yogurt having this is a benefit for vegetarians.

Surprising ways to use yogurt at home

Green Peas:

They are also known as garden peas and along with having a good amount of protein content it also has fibers and antioxidants the fibers present helps in bowel movement and antioxidants help in detoxification of the body. Researchers have also discovered that they play a crucial role in protection against chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart diseases. It carries 4% of protein.

Why Green Peas are Healthy and Nutritious


Milk has always been considered as complete food .It is a complete protein with 3.4gm of protein in it.

Children who drink whole milk 'less likely to be obese' – study


A nut is an edible seed with a hard shell which is inedible. Nuts have the maximum amount of protein. One ounce of nuts fulfills the required amount of protein intake per day. It carries 20 gm of protein. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts are few examples.

Oats and Oatmeal:

Oats already are into many people’s diet already but many of us didn’t know that its a good source of high protein along with protein it contains fair amounts of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and folate.

Chia seeds:

Chia seeds consists of 6 grams of protein and 13 grams of fibre per 35 grams, which is  definitely a good amount of protein and hence would fairly complete your body’s protein requirements. Apart from protein Chia seeds also have iron,selenium,calcium,magnesium,antioxidants and so much more.Including Chia seeds in your diet is important which definitely is correct.

Coconut, Chia Seeds And Avocado Pudding Recipe by Savio Sabino Fernandes - Elior India - NDTV Food

Soy Milk:

With a Protein percent of 7 grams per 240 ml, Soy Milk is a great option if you don’t like Cow’s milk. It also contains Vitamin D, B12 and of course Calcium. It can be used in diet through a variety of ways.

Soy Milk 101: Nutrition, Benefits, Risks, and More | Everyday Health

Fruits and Vegetables:

To every problem fruits and vegetables are a good solution . Both of them carry adequate amounts of minerals,vitamins, proteins.  Vegetables like ; broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels,Sweet corn are good to go with when it comes to Proteins. Fruits like  cherimoyas, mulberries blackberries, nectarines, bananas and guava can fulfill the need of proteins. One can have them in form of juices,shakes or even eat them raw.

How Dangerous is a Lack of Fruit and Vegetables?

These are the few alternatives of Proteins for Vegetarians.  Everyone should make sure to maintain the protein levels as Protein is one of the chief requirement for our body.

Written By -Rituja Roy

Edited By – Priyanka Sukhwani

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