Posted on: November 4, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 0

There is no denying that Candy is comfort food and it’s affordable.  I think people always want Candy, whether you’re a kid or an adult, these are the lines said by Dylan Laure, extremely true and the sweet reality of us. Candies are something that is loved by everyone out there, irrespective of age. People are very fond of Candies and hence there should be a day to celebrate the love for Candies. 4th November is celebrated as the Candy Day. A sweetness that the day carries is expressed by the name itself.

Candies releases Endorphins, a chemical in our brain that makes us feel happy and help us get rid of all the pain.

Candies are something that we love to have  whatsoever be the occasion and another thing we really don’t need any occasion to have Candies. Candies are a good option while gifting someone they are used very often as a token of love, they are eaten post dinner, and at times to feel good. We have Candies whether we feel happy or sad or excited or extremely low. They are a good source to boost energy. To fix someone’s mood, a packet of candy could help you out and also can be used as a way to express your apology.

What does the word Candy actually means?

The word Candy is derived from the Arabic word “Qandi” which means made of sugar, this word is been used ever since the late 13th Century.

Invention of Candy –

Invention of Candies dates back to 16th Century. It was made in Egypt, they made Candies by combining fruits,nuts and honey.

Though, the first Candy came to America in the 18th Century from Britain and France.

Why were Candies made?

The Candies were made with a purpose to use as digestives or to mollify sore throat.

It proved to be one of the best aids for indigestion.

What makes Candies so popular among Kids?

Candies are so loved by Kids because of various reasons, for some the color of the candies attract as they are available in different colors whereas for others the taste is all that they like. It is been observed that not everyone like the taste of chocolate, because at times too much chocolate turns to be bitter but this isn’t the case with Candies, Candies are sweet and sour in taste which is why kids love it so much. Another factor that parents prefer giving Candies is that, as much as chocolates deteriorate the teeth, Candies don’t.

The best Candies available across the World are :-


Marriage are the Candies made by Fazer in Finland. They are chocolate-filled mint candies. The chocolate is present in between and is covered by a mint in circle which gives a sweet-sour refreshing taste.

Marianne candy

Pascall Pineapple Lumps

The Pascall Pineapple Lumps from New Zealand are Chocalate Coated pineapple flavoured chewable Candies.This gives you a terrific tropical taste.

Maynards Wine Gums

They are available in different alcoholic flavours are an absolute Candy- delight from UK, they are chewy and the available flavours are port,sherry, champagne, burgundy and claret. They are sold in gumdrops.

Haw Flakes

These are made out of Hawthorn fruit, a typical Chinese fruit. Available in disks shape, dark pink Candy which are packed in tart punch.


Produced by Noida based DS group, Pulse is a mouth watery Candy which has a tangy, spicy, sweet and salty taste. All these 4 tastes makes it popular not only among kids but also among people of every age group.


While traveling if you experience motion sickness a Candy can definitely save you from feeling nauseated.


The sweet relation 90’s kids have with Candies.

Orange Candy

Wrapped in white paper with orange lines along with knots tied at both the ends were the sweetest and the most famous candies of all times. They were distributed as sweets on birthdays.

Mango Bite

Mango Bite manufactured by The Parle a yellow color candy which had a sweet sour taste and was wrapped in green and yellow coloured wrapper.

Kachha Mango Bite

Kachha Mango Bite came in green color wrapped with Kachcha Mango Bite written with red color , a green disc shaped Candy was popular as Mango Bite Lite among kids.

Imli Candy

Want to taste Imli without season, Imli Candy will do that for you.


Poppins were small disc shaped and packed in tart punch, the tart punch had so many flavours like orange, lemon, mango and many others.

Lesser known facts about Candies

  1. During the middle ages, in Europe the high cost of sugar made sugar candy was a delicacy available only to the richs.
  2. Lollipops are free of fat and cholesterol and this is the fact that many people don’t realize.
  3. The Lollipop was invented by George Smith in the year 1908 and was named after Lolly Pop, a racing horse.
  4. The World’s largest Lollipop was made by Franssons of Sweden on July 27,2003 for a festival which weighed around 4.759.1 pounds.
  5. The Candy was invented by a Dentist.


Written By – Rituja Roy 

Edited By – Priyanka Sukhwani














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