Posted on: August 27, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 2



Your hands when craft the letters as you write something, reflect your inner traits. You can literally tell a lot about a person the way his i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.

Based on a research in USA, it’s found that more than 5000 characteristics can be identified about an individual by just closely observing his handwriting.

The study of handwriting is called “Graphology”. It’s a widely used technique by investigating departments to find out the likely culprit. Some of the HR recruitment procedures involve the handwriting analysis to point out the traits of the employee to understand his compatibility. This technique can also be helpful for personal developmental techniques like SWOT analysis and other self-analyses. It can help people to understand their behaviors on the basis of their natural traits which would ultimately help them in defining their relationships with others.

Your handwriting reveals the traits about yourself that may not be explicitly visible to you, however these traits may constitute your core nature.

Let’s see how you can understand yourself by examining your handwriting.


Size of the Letters:

Your abilities are hidden behind the size of your letters.

  • Large letters: Large letters indicate an extroverted personality. You like hanging around with friends. Becoming the center of the circle is desirable to you. You seek love and attention. You’re tend to be outspoken. You can even pretend your abilities in order to get the desired attention.
  • Small Letters: Small letters indicate an introverted personality as opposed to the large letters. This means you prefer to speak less and concentrate on your work. You focus on details and prefer to avoid any temporary distractions. You are benevolent and shy at times.
  • Average: This indicates the balance of the above two personalities. Adaptability is an excellent trait for such persons.


Spacing between the words:

  • Wide spacing: The wide space between the words symbolize your love for the freedom. You choose to be at a specific distance with people. Which simply means that you require space in your life to lead it in a better way.
  • Narrow spacing: Leaving hardly any space between words shows that the writer likes to be surrounded with people.


  • Straightness/No Slant: It reflects the straightforwardness of your brain. You are more logical, rigid and pragmatic. You act practically without getting heavy.
  • Right Slant: Rightward tilt of your letters shows your inclination towards the emotions. You may be friendly, sentimental or open-hearted.
  • Left Slant: Leftward tilt of your letters shows your inclination away from others. You choose yourself over others. You may prefer to be alone for your me-time.



  • Heavy Pressure: When the writing is so engraved on the paper with heavy pressure that the ink is visible from the other side of the page, this denotes that the person is impulsive and feels things extremely and reacts to them quickly. High level of energy is indicated by such manner of writing.
  • Light Pressure: Light pressure usually signifies the lack of vitality and empathetic nature of a person.

Dotting of I’s:

  • Circle the i’s: Displays the creativity and playfulness of a person.
  • Dot right over the i’s: A person who’s very good at organizing puts the dots right over his i’s. He may be quite meticulous.
  • Slash the i’s: Less patient and overly-critical natures are indicated in such a way of dotting the i’s.

Shapes of letters:

  • Round letters: Crafting rounds letters indicates the artistic nature of a person. Such a person delves into the creativity every time he picks a pen.
  • Pointed letters: It shows your intelligence and intensive character. You seek logic.

Crossing your T’s:

  • At a much height of “T”: High aspirations along with immense self-esteem is signified by such crossing of T’s. Such a person has high goals and he’s determined to achieve them.
  • In the mid of the “T”: Crossing T right in the middle of it can tell you’re a confident person who can handle things.
  • Lower crossing: This can indicate that you are burdened with insecurities and your ambitions are either not clear or very low.

Looping the L:

  • Wider “l” Loops: You’re expressive and spontaneity is in your basic nature.
  • Narrower “l” Loops: You’re restricted and hard to open up.

Looping the E:

  • Wider “e” loops: This signifies your open-mindedness. You’re open to new adventures and experiences in life.
  • Narrower “e” loops: You don’t easily believe on things rather you’re skeptical about people.

Shape of your lower “S”:

  • Round shaped “s”: You’re a real crowd pleaser. You can negotiate things to please others.
  • Pointy shaped “s”: You tend to be inquisitive and eager to learn new things. You have set ambitions in your life which are mostly related to high intellect.
  • Open at the bottom shaped “s”: You want something else but you’re doing something else. This indicates that you’re not following your heart.
  • Printed styled “s”: This indicates your versatility.

Page margins:

  • Right Hand margin: This indicates that you worry about the future.
  • Left Hand margin: you do not fear the future rather you live in the present.
  • Writing all over the page: This depicts the unstable thoughts constantly running in your mind. You need to relax.

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