Posted on: August 20, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 4

As we spend most of our time on internet, we listen and watch about the topics that are trending over the internet. Be it a 15 minutes tea break from the work or a friend’s gathering by the nook or a con-call with college friends or a family WhatsApp group, the conversation would only be about the trending topics on the internet. There are nearly 700 million internet users in India and these many millions of Indians are enough to break internet by making anything highly trending.

Anything that is hilarious or witty becomes a cool source of memes content and these memes become omnipotent. However, memes and their creators aren’t restricted to a humorous content to make it viral. There have been many instances when Indians used their superpower of making anything viral in crazy ways, wherein they used just ANYTHING to make sure that it trended.




Who is BINOD?

Recently, out of the blue, the comment sections of YouTube, Twitter and Instagram got flooded with a name “Binod”. There could be no relation of Binod with the content of the post but a comment related to Binod would certainly be there. You just need to go to the comment section of any of the popular post of these social media platforms, and you’ll see something referred to Binod. Even Wikipedia contains a page informing about this tremendously viral trend these days.

Are you also someone who still doesn’t know who Binod is?

Well, Binod is a youtuber who has zero videos on his YouTube channel and he comments his name Binod on every YouTube video. But Binod became famous by YouTubers Abhyudaya and Gautami Kawale who also have a YouTube channel named Slayy Point. The Creators of Slayy Point made a video roasting comment sections of YouTube videos. The video titled “Why Indian comments section is Garbage?” highlighted the comment from a user named Binod Tharu who had commented ‘Binod’ in every comment section.

Once Binod started trending, almost every brand took the opportunity to make it trend even more with their witty posts. PayTm even temporarily changed its twitter handle to ‘Binod’.

Binod’s parents must be proud. Thanks to India’s superpower.



TikTok vs YouTube

When Indian soldiers were fighting with Chinese at the Galwan Valley, our internet users were also fighting a virtual war which was between the users of the popular video making Chinese app TikTok and those of the YouTube. Everyone at that time had opinion about who should win either TikTok or YouTube but most of the youngsters hardly knew about Indian’s face off with China at locations along the India-china border near Ladakh and Sikkim.

TikTok’s rating was brought down to 1.3 from 4.4 on Google Play Store within few days. TikTok finally got banned by the Indian government in addition to 58 other Chinese apps. A stiff decision took by the Indian government to counter any kind of unauthorised data transfer via these apps. This decision not only put a stop to China led skirmishes along the border but also ceased the life of TikTok vs YouTube hashtags.

And hence, China really got the taste of India’s superpower.


Lockdown Claps

Remember when we all clapped in praise of our country’s doctors, health workers and all those people who were duly paying their services to the countrymen during the tough time of total lockdown imposed as a precautionary measure against corona virus. This was asked by our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to maintain vivacity by showing gratitude to all the helpers in such a grave situation.

The internet users took these gratitude claps to another level.  There were incessant posts about how these clapping is related to astrology. WhatsApp messages about the scientific importance of this event were circulated.

Indians can justify anything using astrology and make anyone believe it. Thanks to India’s superpower.


Snapchat Issue

Once the CEO of Snapchat, in an interview, allegedly said that India is “too poor” to consider its expansion there. Indians became angry on this remark by the CEO and decided to uninstall Snapchat from their mobile phones. They downrated the app on Google Play Store. The rage was so high that some of the Indians misunderstood Snapchat with Snapdeal and even deleted the Snapdeal from their phones. The Snapdeal had to bear the brunt cause by Snapchat. We’re still sorry Snapdeal.

I hope the Snapchat has realized the number of Internet users in India and their potential in causing anything break or bloom. Thanks to India’s superpower.


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