Posted on: October 15, 2020 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 0

Criticism is an evaluation of character, performance or thoughts against specific standards. We get criticized everywhere by someone or the other. Criticism is generally considered negative feedback or feedback with bad intentions. This is the reason why people respond to criticism with anger. People tend to get impulsive and react immediately in defense when they get criticized.


Sometimes the criticism may come from people who wish to attack your self-esteem. Such criticism may be the product of envy, resentment or insecurity. The source of criticism poses a great deal of significance in handling it. When the source of criticism is someone who you can trust then the handling becomes smoother. Your familiars, teachers, close friends or mentors come in the list of faithful sources of criticism whose feedback can help in your progress.


Social media has become a channel of receiving and giving criticism where people can even elude easily after throwing shattering comments that may leave imprints on your confidence for a long time. an IG comment filled with hatred can make you vulnerable by planting seeds of self-doubt in your mind. On the other hand, a comment with generous appreciation and benignity can raise your energy level and motivation.


Types of Criticism


Before learning to handle criticism, we must understand that delivery of criticism includes tone and words that can either build you up or tear you down. Hence, criticism could be of two types


  1. constructive criticism and
  2. destructive criticism


Constructive criticism is not only about positive comments. It’s a valid and reasonable opinion including both positive and negative ones. Constructive criticism generally needs to be in a gentle tone. It is put forth to point out the mistakes and areas of improvement. Such criticism is also about offering solutions and highlighting opportunities. Handling constructive criticism is less hurtful and it can always be used in our advantage.


Destructive criticism, on the contrary, is a deliberative and reckless opinion. Such criticism being spiteful can dismantle the confidence. Destructive criticism highlights the threats without offering solutions. The harsh tone and bitter words combine to form a destructive criticism.


Now, both kinds of criticisms are thrown by people at work, college, school and family. We cannot be perfect and hence, there is always a chance of being criticized. The trouble beings when we cannot gather courage and words to respond towards a criticism. The problem deems to be bigger for sensitive people who often get offended by the criticism. One thing to keep in mind is that criticism is just an opinion and a reflection of only a person’s views. The criticism may be faulty in itself at times. While sometimes, it can be a genuine suggestion that demands your concern. Depending upon the variety of criticism, we can learn how we can handle it like a pro.


Don’t take it personally


People at work often get challenged by criticism for their work performance, discipline and other tasks and traits. A supervisor’s criticism may seem humiliating when you are already upset about your performance. However, it is important to accept that the criticism is directed towards your performance and not you. Separating your duties and yourself as a person becomes necessary which will help you in correcting the mistake.


Listen and Control your quick reaction


No one likes to hear disparaging opinions about themselves. People prefer denying any statement that underrates them and hence they react quickly and more often aggressively. The aggressive reaction can fuel the bitterness and convert a valid criticism into a harmful argument.


To avoid any kind of impulsive error, you can listen carefully what the other person is saying and take a moment to process it. Instead of reacting verbally or non-verbally, you can take a deep breath or ask for some time to respond to the feedback. This will give you enough time to understand the validity of the opinion and what you can respond to it.


Learn from the criticism


Be it negative or positive criticism, there is always some truth in it. Instead of dwelling on the words they have said and overthinking it again and again, you can pick the suggestions that can help you in self-evaluation and learn to correct your mistake. You can note down the valuable information someone has offered you by constructive criticism. It is better to learn the lesson than losing your confidence and being ashamed.


Show Respect and Value the Criticism


The best way to deal with any kind of criticism is to give a smile and respect their opinion. You can always ignore the false criticism. You can differentiate between valuable and false criticism. When you are thrown at false feedback, learn to avoid fighting for the justification. You should not waste your energy in responding and advancing the futile opinion with counter-arguments. You can simply choose to avoid any wrong, unworthy and false criticism and focus on your work maintaining the dignity of yourself.


The failure is the key to the success, but failure is useless without analyzing the reasons behind it. Therefore, criticism is vital for your improvement. That’s why almost every organization value the feedback. Feedback also includes criticism, thus, even the most advanced organizations and industries look for criticism to channelize the critical information into a better outcome by improving their standards and performance. The same applies to a person, you should never be afraid of being criticized, rather you can utilize the criticism in your favor and be grateful for the source of criticism.


Understand the criticism and do not respond to the tone


Often, we become confrontational while being criticized and respond to their tone. Sometimes people get angry and emotional while giving criticism and we respond to their emotional tone. This makes us worry about what to respond instead of what to understand. At such times, we can always try to comprehend the words and understand the purpose behind it.


The impolite and abrupt tone doesn’t always come from a mean person, maybe your mistake has caused a great loss to the other person and hence he has lost control of his tone. It this scenario, you will have to be the bigger person and show empathy towards them instead of minding their abrupt tone. Always remember, showing empathy will add a positive value to your personality.


Self-awareness and Self-analysis are the keys


The more aware you are about yourself, the less likely it is for the criticism to hurt you. Self-awareness makes you secure about yourself. The self-confidence is generated by self-evaluation and it will always save you from indulging in any unnecessary situation to defend yourself. Self-awareness also signifies the steps you take to apologize for your faults.


Self-analysis is by and large being self-critical. If you can highlight your own weakness and mistakes and then accept yourself. It will be easier for you to accept yourself when someone else criticizes you.

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