Posted on: February 23, 2021 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 0

We humans live in the lap of Mother Nature, any harm caused by us to Mother Nature is indirectly a loss to us only. Greenery is all that helps mankind, animals survive on this planet Earth.

Green depicts Prosperity, Healthy Living along with Vibrance and a tinge of freshness in it and hence makes it an essential part of our lives. Greenery is seen mostly during the Rainy Season as the droplets of rain falling on the leaves spreads greenery everywhere and enhances the beauty of Nature.

1. Saga of the time with Green

White Daisy on Grass Field

Before the sky-scraping buildings and other infrastructure buildings, our ancestors used to reside in forests, made the living there and survived their lives. Today we are all somewhat turned into a slave of modernization, we without any realization are going far away from Greenery and Nature at large.

The potential need of accomplishing the Green India Mission is very crucial. Let’s consider these as Green India Challenge.

There are so many factors that make it important to make India and World Green.

For the Economic development of the country

To develop India Economically our main priority should be Green Industries. Industries that are efficiently working and using input that are eco-friendly would help us develop without harming our Nature. Industrializing in a way that doesn’t lead to deforestation as it has some negative impacts on our lives. The baneful air pollution over Northern India time and again reminds and alerts us that our future might not be safe and there are a lot of several issues that await. Our only strategy is and has to be linking this Industrialization along with environmental sustainability.

1.1 Other Factors: –

Newly-launched UAE organic food e-commerce site seeks to become region's biggest

Economy can also get boosted by eating Green, when we purchase organic food and dairy products it boosts the local market and also lowers down the greenhouse emission.

1.2 Massive Savings in the Energy Costs

Energy Savings Project: How organisations Save Big $$$ on Energy Bills

When we talk about going green it definitely helps us a lot in cutting energy costs. The US department of energy says that if the buildings were all greener in the USA, the country would consume $20 billion less Energy, every year which is a great number. We in India also can do this by making our homes green.

2 Adding Life to Your Home

Easy Ways to Add Natural Greenery to Your Home | House + Home Tips | West Coast Gardens

To add extra years to your home, make it Green. It’s studied that Eco-friendly homes have longer lives and also recycled products tend to have a life expectancy of around 5 years more than the regular materials being used to build houses. Green Homes are found to have better indoor air quality as the paints and cleaners utilized have low volatile organic compounds which is enough for better air quality.

3 Green with Amalgamation of Fresh Air

There is no denial that we at present are struggling for fresh air, due to which there is an increase in the number of respiratory disorders. The lungs are getting affected dramatically to combat this. We should plant more and more trees, there should be a ban on cutting of trees. A terrace garden or a small one at home can come to rescue. When one switches to using eco friendly products it directly means using lesser chemicals and hence lesser toxins we would breathe. Using Eco Friendly Vehicles like moreover bicycles would ensure that there is less pollution from our end.

4 Rejuvenate the harm caused Climate Change

How the World Would Look in 2050 If We Solved Climate Change | Time

Climate Change is a magnanimous contemporary difficulty, which has started showing its hazardous version and is going to be more and more in future if we do not change our policies and don’t convert our Country and Planet Green. According to the reports by NASA human activities are the sole reason behind Global warming. A Global initiative “The Paris Agreement” came into effect in late 2016, with a declaration from 145 countries, to limit the global warming to around 1.5 degrees Celsius as the UNFCCC reported. There would require individual contribution to stop the Climate Change. In 2006, a Scientific Study found that in spite of so many acts to protect wildlife, forests and other habitats there exists some half of the 825 natural ecosystems which are at a higher risk of getting destroyed, which is indeed an alarming condition and requires more number of steps to make the Planet Green and hence stop Climate Change.

5 Visible Destructive Effects on Health of Humans and Wildlife

With Air Pollution gradually yet speedily turning into a major health risk factor as per WHO ( World Health Organization). This Air Pollution has led to the death of 3 million premature deaths of people.

The Uttarakhand Avalanche is a visible and important warning sign to all of us, as the glacier burst off was due to climate change as per scientists cite, clearly showing the disastrous effects of Climate Change that are increasing every year.

Lowering the number of air pollutants is going to reduce water pollution which is going to have a impact on the wildlife in a good manner as this would decrease Acid Rain, Eutrophication which harms Wildlife, Aquatic Environments would get save and so would crops and trees as per the report given by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

6 Organic Farming

organic farming | Definition, History, Methods, & Benefits | Britannica

Organic Farming is the Panacea . To incorporate a healthy living style and eating Organic is definitely a great pick. This is the effective utilization of land and correct farming practice.

What are the steps taken by the Government of India towards Green India?

At the COP (Conference of the Parties) India was the chief mover, there were around 21 negotiations made along with further commitments to far reaching nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce the emissions by Carbon. Being a part of this NDC, India has made it a point to reduce Carbon intensity to 33-35% below 2005 levels. Increasing renewable energy contribution to power supply to 40%, and retrieving 26 million hectares of degraded land.

Another goal to be achieved is through the Jal Shakti Abhiyan, which would emphasize on providing clean drinking water to every household. In alliance with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the Namami Gange programme which would work towards reducing the water pollution along with other health issues associated.

Importance of Green in our Diet?

Flat-lay Photo of Fruits and Vegetables

Ever since childhood we have been told to eat more and more leafy green vegetables as they are the best source of so many vitamins and minerals. Green Vegetables hold a specific importance in the diet chart and has valid reasons behind this inclusion. Greens are incredible for your health and have the power to make you feel and look younger. Amongst all the food forms, greens are the healthiest and they help you to stay fit and supports healthy aging as well. Some important points to show you the importance of greens

For glowing skin

What is beta carotene? What are the benefits?

Beta-carotene, the plant pigment can give your skin an amazing glow and works as a natural sunscreen from the inside-out and even protects your skin from the harmful UV rays.

Stress buster

Try These 8 Best Greens For Smoothies – 6 Pack Fitness

A natural way to relieve stress is to start your day with some green vegetables or a fresh green smoothie. Eating fresh leafy greens which are an excellent source of folate, helps your body generate mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.

Aids optimal brain function

15 Leafy Greens You Should Try – Natures Plus YOU

Want to support memory and reasoning as you grow older? Eat greens! Eating greens can have a huge impact on your memory and reasoning and a research found that greens-eaters memory can be equivalent to someone 11 years younger than them. A recent Neurological study came up with the facts that a person who eats the most leafy greens each day has slower rates of cognitive decline compared to those who eat less.

 Boost digestive enzymes

Lettuce – the greenest of all the leafy Greens

Digestive enzymes are most important for breaking down and absorbing the nutrients from our food, and if you are deficient in them you are most likely to face all sorts of gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, bloating, reflux and nutrient deficiency but the biggest culprit due to enzyme deficiency amongst all these is leaky gut. The best food you can eat to boost your body’s natural ability to produce digestive enzymes are raw leafy greens.

Supports your immune system

Our immune system protects our body from harmful substances, germs and cell changes that could make us ill and one of the most important benefits of greens may be their ability to support our immune system. Eating vegetables such as broccoli, kale and arugula can definitely help us boost our immune system.

Let us see the empirical  Statistics and facts which justifies the importance of trees in so many ways:-

It might sound no less than a miracle but a tree which is of an average size produces sufficient amount of oxygen in an year that a family of four can breathe easily.

Planting trees at the right place can cut our costs; three trees planted at the correct places near buildings can lower down the air-conditioning costs upto upto almost 50%

Ethiopia breaks world record by planting 350 million trees in one day | Living

Planting 20 million trees has a magnanimous impact, these 20 million trees can provide the people of planet Earth with a whopping 260 million additional tons of oxygen along with eradicating 10 million tons of Carbon dioxide.

Plants are studies to reduce stress, our heart rates and calm our nerves.

Trees also filter water quality.



Written By- Rituja Roy
Edited By- Priyanka Sukhwani

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