Meet The Team

FOUNDER - Priyanka Sukhwani

This is Priyanka Sukhwani, the founder of the Clock Talk. I am a keen person and my curiosity made me grow in multiple spheres such as Stock Marketing and Trading, Content Writing and Social Media Marketing. I seek solace in writing and reading and when that is not enough, I resort to Yoga and Meditation. The learner in me takes no rest and the woman in me is herself a revolution. “Fashion for me is the confidence worn in the eyes and the beauty is the reflection of such eyes.” I am born and brought up in Jabalpur City located in the heart (Madhya Pradesh) of India. I have developed interest in a range of fields after completing my master’s degree in Computer Science. With an attempt to give platform to these interests, I ardently present Clock Talk to the world. The Clock talk is a manifestation of my passion and devotion in my career. Before investing my full time in my own brainchild – Clock Talk, I have given my professional assistance to many brands across India as a lead content writer and Social Media Expert. I have authored many blogs on Health, Food, Travel, Fitness and Trending topics.

AUTHOR - Kritika Tiwari

Kritika Tiwari is a passionate writer, poetess and artist. She excels in blog and content writing. Being a Civil Services aspirant, she is devoted to set another milestone in the field of Public Service. She is the senior editor and author in Clock Talk. Her inquisitive mind travels in arenas like Science-Tech, Art & Culture and Entertainment. She voices her thoughts on society and other radical issues that prevail in India and the globe. She has experience as a Communication and personality development trainer. She also worked as a Business Development Executive in an international corporate firm. She belongs to Indore, the business capital of Madhya Pradesh.