Posted on: February 6, 2021 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 1
15 Successful People And Their Hobbies

Hobby is an art that helps us discover ourselves in a way that no one else can, we as humans are full of skills only if we self introspect and develop the Art that lives somewhere deep inside all of us. 

A hobby is not only a thing that tends to be done when we are free but it’s an articulation of joy, something that if focused on while practising can do wonders. It can turn us into a better person, add value to our life, keep us firm to our goals and make our mind work. 

A Successful Person doesn’t become successful overnight, it’s a journey or practise and as it’s said practise makes a man perfect so in order to take yourself a level-up practise and inculcate good things in life and in short in your daily routine. 

Make reading, writing, gardening your hobby as these are studied to have visible effects. As reading helps us explore so many things happening in the world, it gives us a different perspective towards various things, writing helps our frustration, our thoughts, our views flow on paper, pen being the weapon. 

To achieve your goals in life make sure you pick up good hobbies that act like a value addition in your life. 

Here’s a list of Hobbies of Highly Successful People:- 

Ratan Tata 

The Business Tycoon of India, who is a great human being loves to play piano in his leisure time, he enjoys driving sports cars the most. His other hobbies include; scuba diving. 

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Sundar Pichai’s love for Cricket 

The CEO of Alphabet ( Google’s Parent company) loves playing Cricket in his free time. Cricket is not only a game but definitely an exercise of mind and body.

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Bill Gates and his old fashioned hobbies 

Bill Gates considers his hobby of playing Bridge old fashioned. He is a regular player of Bridge.

Image result for bill gates playing bridge

Kate Middleton likes Coloring 

Coloring has always helped people a lot in so many ways, it’s evident that to feel organized, calm and composed coloring turns out to be an escape undoubtedly.The Duchess of Cambridge loves coloring in her free time.

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George W Bush picked up Painting 

After completing his tenure as President in 2009 George W Bush  picked up Painting. He spared a month learning Painting from a painter based out of Georgia. Mr.Bush turned out to be such a bountiful painter that he created numerous landscapes and paintings of around 30 World Leaders.

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Tom Hanks a seeker of Vintage typewriters 

Tom Hanks, an actor and a filmmaker is reported to be collecting the vintage typewriters  ever since 1978. He ensures making uses or one typewriter everyday and he states that he is fond of the sound of typewriters and he uses one every day because he loves the sound and enjoys typing on it. 

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Sergey Brin and adventure 

The Co-founder of Google gets kicks through adventurous activities which includes; roller hockey, ultimate Frisbee, gymnastics, skydiving, and high-flying trapeze.

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Marissa Mayer is fond of Baking

Marissa Mayer who was the Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo, loves Baking and she enjoys baking. She believes that her hobbies add to her performance at work and gives birth to different types of innovative approaches in her head. 

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Oprah Winfrey getaway is reading

Oprah says that when she is not working she likes to read, according to her, there is nothing that can replace the experience of a good reading. She has quoted this ” on her website that reading takes one to a different world through words”.

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Michelle Obama keeps moving 

Michelle Obama in one of her chats earlier mentioned that she likes to keep moving,she gets on the treadmill at 4:30 am too as per The New York Times. Her hobby is to exercise which is also the reason behind her public campaign to promote a healthy living style among kids.

Image result for michelle obama exercise

MS Dhoni undying love for Bikes

The former Indian Cricket Team Captain’s name has turned out to be a synonym for Cool. He is the ultimate definition of being cool and composed. His hobbies apart from riding bikes include spending time with dogs, studies suggest that spending time with animals increases the production of good hormones like oxytocin, reduces stress and calms the nerves. 

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Narayana Murthy and Yoga

Narayana Murthy who is popularly known as the Father of Indian IT Sector, who has also bagged a place in the list of 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time by Fortune Magazine is an inspiration of how to bounce back. 

His hobbies include Yoga. Yoga according to him helps him keep calm and composed, and focus better. 

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Meryl Streep likes to Knit

Meryl Streep the veteran Hollywood actress confessed her love for knitting. She mentioned that she loves to knit, she also revealed that she wore her hand knitted shawl in the movie “Doubt”. Knitting is very therapeutic for her which is why she spends long hours all by herself in her room, knitting.

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Steve Wozniak Polo and Segway

It’s quite interesting for all of us to know that the Apple Co-founder is a fanatic for playing Polo that too on a Segway. Wozniak’s undying love for Polo is so much that makes him say this to Quartz that” Segway polo is the one thing I will block off my calendar for”.Image result for Steve Wozniak Polo and Segway

JK Rowling

JK Rowling is passionate about writing which is very evident from her work and there are no two ways about it but apart from that she is very interested in cooking and baking and these are her hobbies. 

Cooking and baking is definitely a stress buster according to this British Author.

Image result for jk rowling

Written By- Rituja Roy

Edited By- Priyanka Sukhwani


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