Posted on: February 4, 2021 Posted by: Priyanka Sukhwani Comments: 1
World Cancer Day

Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms. A defining characteristic of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual limits and can invade adjacent parts of the body and spread to other organs, a process referred to as metastasis. Metastasis is the leading cause of death from cancer.
About one third of cancer deaths occur due to the five main behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low consumption of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity and use of alcohol and tobacco. Smoking is the main risk factor for cancer, causing 22% of deaths from the disease.

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Early Detection of Cancer
Cancer if detected at an early stage can definitely save a life. There are times when people lose their close ones to Cancer due to lack of detection of Cancer. At times the symptoms are ignored or not identified which leads to proliferation of cells and hence the body organs failing.
Symptoms of Cancer:
1.Changes in bowel or bladder routine
2.Unhealed sore
3.Unconventional Bleeding or discharge
4.Formation of lump or thickening of existing Lump.
5.Visible changes in a wart or mole.
6.Cough or hoarseness
7.Digestion issues or problem in swallowing
8.Fluctuations in Weight.
9.Changes in Skin pigment like yellow, dark or redness of the skin

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Early Diagnosis of Cancer
Diagnosing Cancer earlier has benefits as one can know a lot of reason behind sufferings, uneasiness etc.
Ways to diagnose Cancer
1.Physical Examination:- To determine the Cancer, a doctor checks physically like checking the formation of lump if there is any.
2.Laboratory Tests: Tests like Urine tests, Blood tests etc are done so that the Doctor identifies the warning signs of Cancer.

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Treatment for Cancer
Though there still isn’t a permanent cure for Cancer if it’s in later stages but If diagnosed at an early stage there can be a lot done to the patient in order to save it’s life. A Tumor, Benign Cancer can be treated, removed or perform therapies but if it’s Malignant it can take life of the person as the proliferation of the cells, due to contact inhibition can affect the organs in negative ways which leads to organ failure and hence the body gets collapsed.
The correct diagnosis of cancer is essential for an adequate and effective treatment, because each type of disease needs a specific treatment, which may include one or more modalities, such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Determining the goals of treatment and palliative care is an important step and health services must be integrated and people-centered. The main objective is to cure cancer or prolong the patient’s life considerably. Another important objective is to improve the patient’s quality of life through palliative care and psychological support.

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Primary Treatment:
It is given to the patients in early stages of Cancer, the main motive of this treatment is to entirely remove the Cancer from the patient’s body. Most surgery is what helps the patient in the complete cure. Surgery is performed in such a type of treatment.
Adjuvant Treatment:
This is done post the Primary Treatment, its goal is to kill the Cancerous Cells If they remain even after Primary Treatment so as to stop the Cancer from recurring.
The most common Adjuvant Therapies include;
Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy and Hormone therapy.
Neoadjuvant Therapy:
To make the Primary Treatment easier or all the more effective, this NeoAdjuvant Therapy is performed before the Primary Treatment.
Palliative Therapy:
It can relieve the symptoms, side effects caused by Cancer.
Other Therapies:-


2.Radiation Therapy – This uses X rays, energy beams or protons to kill the cancer cells.

3.Bone Marrow transplant– Bone Marrow as it is known that it’s present inside Bones and makes blood cells from blood stem cells.

4.Immunotherapy- This therapy uses the body’s immune system in fighting cancer. As our body fails to distinguish between Cancerous Cells and our Body’s Own/ Normal Cells, this therapy helps in identifying the Cancer Cells and attacking them.
5.Hormone Therapy- Few types of Cancers like Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer are due to hormones and if these hormones are removed from the body will block their effects and hence would stop the Cancer Cells from growing.
6.Targeted Drug Therapy
8.Radiofrequency ablation
9.Clinic Trials

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Prevention Strategies:

To prevent cancer, people can:

Avoid the risk factors listed above;

1.Get vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B;

2.Control occupational risks;

3.Reduce exposure to non-ionizing radiation by sunlight (UV);

4.Reduce exposure to ionizing radiation (occupational or medical diagnostic imaging).

5.Vaccination against HPV and hepatitis B viruses could prevent 1 million cases of cancer each year

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Statistics associated with Cancer:
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and is responsible for 9.6 million deaths in 2020. Globally, one in six deaths is related to the disease.

As per the reports of the  National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research (ICMR), more than 1300 Indians die every day due to cancer.

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Written By- Rituja Roy

Edited By- Priyanka Sukhwani

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